D10 near Benátky

Creator's info

Welcome to the most visited website about the Czech motorway network. Here you can find information on the system of fees and tolls, details about each motorway, maps, photos, videos, technical data etc.

Please note, that this website is maintained by a non-governmental association of authors and is basically based on information gained from official institutions such as the Road and Motorway Directorate, Ministry of Transport or State Fund for Transport Infrastructure.

Contact: info@motorway.cz

The official website of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic can be found on www.rsd.cz/en.

Should you have any comment, note or remark, do not hesitate to contact us. Your advice is always welcomed.

Creative team of ceskedalnice.cz


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info@motorway.cz | Page last modified: 30.05.2023

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