D4 near Jíloviště

Issued publications, bulletins and documents related to the Czech motorways topic

Official documents in English

  • en-pub-rsd2007.jpg Roads and Motorways 2007 (PDF, 3.68 MB)
     – a publication of the Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD) with data and information about the Czech road and motorway network.

Links to websites with documents (in Czech only)

  • Projects Overview
     – search system on issued posters of actual road and motorway projects.
  • Motorway publications
     – list of links to detailed publications issued by the Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD) about the Czech motorways.
  • ŘSD Bulletin
     – list of links to bulletins issued quarterly by the Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD).


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