D1 near Klimkovice, Ostrava skyline

Categories of roads and motorways according to the Czech technical standards

Categories of roads

Each constructed road is defined by its "category mark", which consists of one or more letters and two numbers separated by a slash and represents configuration of a proposed roadway.

Category mark

Letters "D", "R" or "S" represent the type of road (motorway, expressway or road). These pages are mainly concerned with roads marked as D or R. For completness' sake we should mention that in urban areas MR (local express road), MS (local collective road), or MO (local service road) marks are used as well and if there is a tram track on the roadway the letter T is added (e.g. MST, MOT). On this website you can come accross the MR mark in the text about the Prague City Ring Road.

The first number of the category mark represents the total width of the roadway (in metres, sum of all particular widths in its cross-section, measured between solid sidelong obstructions, i.e. direction posts or crashbarriers). A detailed description is provided in the scheme and a table below.

Configuration of four-lane divided roadway

The following table shows the widths of allowed parts shown in the scheme above. On ordinary two-lane roads parts "d" and "v2" do not appear. Lanes are designed wider in curves regardless of the category mark.

Number of lanesCategoryWidth [m]
Letter markTotal width [m]Design speed [kph]Driving laneOuter guiding stripInner guiding stripPaved shoulderMedianGravel shoulder
1 S 4 40; 30 3.00 0.50
2 6,5* 60; 50 2.75
7,5 70; 60; 50 3.00 0.25
9,5 80; 70; 60 3.50 0.50
11,5 90; 80; 70 1.50
4 S 20,75 90; 80; 70 3.25 0.25 0.25 2.25 1.25** 0.50
24,5 100; 80; 70 3.50 0.50 2.50 3.00
R 25,5 120; 100; 80 3.75
D / R 27,5 0.75 3.00 3.50
6 33,5*** 2.50
* used only if AADT is less than 1,000 vehicles per day in both directions
** a concrete crashbarrier or any other physical barrier shall be placed in the median
*** six-lane roadway, width of inner (fast) lane is 3.50 m

Behind the slash is the indication of design speed (in kph), which represents the basic distinctive element for the designing or reconstruction of roads. Many other design elements are defined by this speed, for instance gradient, slope and curve radius.

The most common categories in the Czech motorway network are:

  • D 26,5/120, according to a new standard (released 2000) no longer designed, and D 27,5/120 on motorways
  • R 22,5/100 and R 24,5/100, both since 2000 are being replaced by R 25,5/120 and R 27,5/120, on expressways
  • S 11,5/80 and S 9,5/60 on national roads.

Six-lane roadways should be designed when the AADT figure exceeds or is expected to exceed 50,000 vehicles per day in both directions.

Map showing categories of Czech motorways and expressways

Red marks on the map represent category marks (without design speed). Further data on particular stretches can be found on pages related to particular motorways and expressways.

Categories of Czech motorways and expressways


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