Examples of typical traffic signs
Motorway (IP14a) |
End of motorway (IP14b) |
Expressway (IP15a) |
End of expressway (IP15b) |
Motorway D5 (IS16a) |
Expressway R4 (IS16b) |
International road (IS17) |
Mileage (km) (IS18b) |
Speed limits (IP28) |
Ordering of lanes (IP16) |
Motorway without fee (IP14a + E11) |
Cultural or tourist destination (IS23) |
Direction sign: Motorway D1 (IS1a + IS1c) |
Direction sign: Expressway R4 (IS2a + IS2c) |
Ring road (IP1a) |
Exit No. 67 (kilometre) in the distance of 2000 metres
Exit No. 67 (kilometre) in the distance of 500 metres
Distance signing on motorway D5 (E50)
Expressway-intersection R35 and R46